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Sam Hunter

An image of Sam Hunter

What do you do at IUCSF?

It’s fair to say I do a bit of everything within the Foundation, although my primary focus is developing the work, delivery and relations that we hold with schools, sports clubs and professional organisations. I have a background in design, so most of the digital and traditional content you see from the charity will have probably crossed my desk.

I like to believe that I’m a doer and you can often find me helping out in all areas of the charity which can range from developing online systems, implementing future plans, providing tech support to staff, designing anything and everything, focusing on the finer details and always finding a way to achieve anything the charity focuses upon.

Describe why you’re at IUCSF?

I’m in the minority at IUCSF, fortunately I’ve never lost a loved one to suicide although I’ve always been acutely aware of suicide from a young age when the Smith family, who lived in the same street as myself, lost Daniel O’Hare to suicide - the Smith family went ahead to found IUCSF. I’ve been involved with the campaign since 2007 when I completed my first piece of fundraising by running the Junior Great North Run. Since then, in one way or another I have been involved with the charity, either through volunteering, being part of a youth focus group or helping out whenever I could. In 2016, I was lucky enough to join the team full-time and have held various roles during my time here and I’m excited to see where this leads in to in the future.

So in short… I’ve always been passionate about the work and aims of IUCSF.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go? 

I think Japan would be interesting, a country that is most steeped in ritual and tradition whilst being at the forefront of change and technological advances seems a fascinating mix. With that being said, I’m always open to explore new places and cultures so i’m happy going anywhere!

What are some things that make you happy?

Formula One, pleasing aesthetic design, DIY, photography and delivery parcels are some things which make me happy, although you would have to have to ask our team about that last one…

What is your favourite biscuit, and why?

Tough one, I’m impartial to a Pink Wafer though. Vanilla cream sandwiched between crispy, crumbly, cloud-like wafers, what’s not to like?

Anything else you would like to share with the world?

Michael Scott may well be my Spirit Animal.

"Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way." — Michael Scott

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