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Our service is provided by professionals who have personal experience with suicide, offering a safe environment to express your feelings and emotions.

Our service

We can’t take away your pain, anger or sorrow. However, through our lived experience, we have compassion for how you may be feeling.

We provide bespoke support for both adults and children from the age of six-years-old.

This can be done at a time and in a way, you feel most comfortable with. We can offer telephone and in-person appointments either at home, at our office or at a convenient location for you.

Get in touch or make a referral. We are here to help you through the difficult times. We also have several resources you can browse below.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me through the grief after losing my son. Your kind support means the world to me; listening, caring and being there for me during tough times.”

Make a referral

Our Support After Suicide service is currently available in Durham, Newcastle, Gateshead, Northumberland, North Tyneside, South Tyneside and Sunderland.

We understand losing someone to suicide is like no other loss. The physical and emotional impacts can be devastating and the effects of this can go far and wide affecting families and communities in complex ways.

We provide practical and emotional support to those affected by suspected suicide.

Reach out to us


We have access to various publications which can offer guidance and support on both a practical and emotional level.

  • Inquest Handbook

    A guide for bereaved families, friends and advisors.

  • Finding the Words

    How to support someone who has been bereaved or affected by suicide.

  • Guide to Coroner Services

    This document has been produced by the Ministry of Justice.

  • Help is at Hand

    Support after someone may have died by suicide. This document has been produced by Public Health England and the National Suicide prevention Alliance.

  • The Road Ahead

    A guide to dealing with the impact of suicide, produced by If U Care Share Foundation.


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