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Hannah Neil

An image of Hannah Neil

What do you do at IUCSF?

I work alongside a wonderful team supporting people bereaved,  affected or at risk of suicide. As Support Manager I oversee the support team and development of our support services.

Describe why you’re at IUCSF?

I first became aware of IUCSF when the Charity held an awareness stall at New College Durham in 2012. I joined IUCSF shortly after this as a volunteer, initially to do a two week work placement, however as it turns out I never left! I was, and still am, amazed and inspired by the team (a very small team at that time) and the difference made to so many lives. I soon recognised how unique, important and essential the Charity was, and the impact Suicide has on too many lives. I continued as a regular volunteer and in January 2014 a part time admin post became available and I joined the team permanently. Over the last eight years I have met some of the most amazing people, sometimes under the most tragic circumstances. I can truly say it’s a privilege to be part of an incredible team, invaluable organisation and have the opportunity every day to contribute towards the growth of IUCSF.

If you could travel to anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Deep sea scuba diving and sky diving are on the bucket list, so wherever these two things take me! 

What are some things that make you happy?

Family, friends, my lovely little chunky cav baby, animals (mostly dogs and turtles) nature, swimming, singing, good food (usually too much of it) and ASOS!

What is your favourite biscuit, and why?

Shortbread, doesn’t matter what kind it always tastes good and never gets boring! 

Anything else you would like to share with the world?


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